Annual Reports

Annual reports are DHA’s primary mechanism of accountability to the Parliament of Australia and are prepared in accordance with legislative and parliamentary reporting requirements.

They provide an overview of DHA and detail our operational and financial performance in the reporting period.

If you would like a copy of earlier annual reports or a hard copy version, please contact us.

Defence Housing Australia Annual Report 2023-24

DHA Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF 3 MB)

Previous Annual Reports

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2019-20 View
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2017-18Download (PDF 8 MB)
2016-17Download (PDF 5 MB)
2015-16Download (PDF 8 MB)
2014-15Download (PDF 8 MB)
2013-14Download (PDF 34 MB)
2012-13Download (PDF 4 MB)
2011-12Download (PDF 3 MB)
2010-11Download (PDF 5 MB)
2009-10Download (PDF 2 MB)
2008-09Download (PDF 6 MB)
2007-08Download (PDF 3 MB)
2006-07Download (PDF 5 MB)
2005-06Download (PDF 4 MB)
2004-05Download (PDF 3 MB)
2003-04Download (PDF 3 MB)
2002-03Download (PDF 4 MB)
2001-02Download (PDF 16 MB
2000-01Download (PDF 1 MB)