DHA Annual Report 2012

Defence Housing Australia

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Defence housing requirement


DHA’s primary role is to supply housing for Defence members and their families. It provides and manages dwellings across the country in capital cities, major regional centres and remote localities. Houses are acquired through construction, purchase and lease and allocated in accordance with Defence policy. DHA manages the resulting tenancies. Some houses are owned by Defence (e.g. on-base), others by DHA. The majority are privately-owned and leased to DHA, typically for periods of 9 to 12 years. This chapter focuses on the housing portfolio. Chapter 2 focuses on the property and tenancy management business.

Defence Housing Forecast

Defence notifies its housing requirements in the Defence Housing Forecast (DHF) in terms of numbers, location and classification over a four year period. In 2011–12, the requirement was for 19,152 Defence members and their families, rising to nearly 20,000 by 2014–15 (see Figure 1). The DHF is the starting point of the DHA capital planning process and may be used in the justification of new projects that require the approval of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works.

Figure 1: Successive Defence Housing Forecast compared to the actual housing requirement

Figure 1: Figure 1 shows the successive Defence Housing Forecast compared to the actual housing requirement. The results are as follows: 2006-07 forecast was 17,286, actual was 17,291 2007-08 forecast was 17,468, actual was 17,909 2008-09 forecast was 18,238, actual was 18,120 2009-10 forecast was 18,256, actual was 18,595 2010-11 forecast was 18,904, actual was 19,033 2011-12 forecast was 19,340, actual was 19,337  The following represents the forecast for future years, as at 2011-12:  2012-13 forecast at 19,627 2013-14 forecast at 19,727  2014-15 forecast at 19,884 2015-16 forecast at 19,894

DHA response