Reporting hazards and incidents

Importance of responding to workplace incidents

We recognise the importance of responding to workplace incidents in a timely and structured manner, irrespective of whether the incident has resulted in a workplace injury.

The reporting and investigation of incidents is seen as an opportunity to learn from what has occurred to prevent further recurrence.

The effective management of incidents relies upon all managers, Persons With Management or Control (PWMC) of a workplace and workers reporting all incidents as soon as they become aware of them.

This reporting requirement extends to incidents involving DHA contractors and visitors to our workplace sites.

The method for reporting hazards, incidents and near-misses depends on the type of DHA contractor you are (a maintenance contractor or a development contractor).

Maintenance contractors and consultants

A maintenance contractor will typically carry out repairs, maintenance, cleaning, and garden maintenance work on existing DHA properties. This can include minor upgrades to properties. They may also provide consultancy or site survey services.

Typically in these situations DHA is the Person With Management Control (PWMC) of the workplace.

Development contractors

Development contractors are engaged as a Principal Contractor for new housing construction or land and development sites. This can include major upgrades projects. It also includes contractors engaged by a Principal Contractor.

Typically in these situations the Principal Contractor is the Person With Management Control (PWMC) of the workplace.