Safety alerts

Work Safe

Alerts which may affect DHA contractors

From time to time DHA will issue important information and safety alerts that may affect DHA contractors. 

WHS questions? Call 139 342 or email the WHS team -


Last updated December 22 2021


There has been an increase in the number of work health and safety incidents reported to DHA involving slips, trips and falls. An increase in these types of WHS incidents has involved the hazard of uneven ground or surface.

Uneven ground or surface, particularly pebbled walk ways and/or driveways at DHAs properties pose a serious risk to the health and safety of our workers in the event of a slip, trip or fall. Issues associated with uneven ground may include:

  • Depressions in the hard ground under a pebble bed or raised pavers are not visually apparent in some cases.
  • Pebbles or rocks are not secured from movement, ie, rounded edges, loose fill structure, etc.
  • A slight rise in pavers may not be visually apparent.
  • Poor lighting can conceal uneven surfaces to a pebbled or paved surface.

All of these hazards associated with uneven ground or surfaces increase the risk of a slip, trip or fall, which may result in physical injury such as sprained ankle(s), fractured wrist(s), abrasions and bruising. The attached fact sheet helps to identify the root causes of these types of WHS incidents as well as providing advice on how to minimise the risk of slips, trips or falls occurring.

Slip, trip and fall incidents are generally preventable. Please take notice of this Safety Alert and take all reasonable steps to protect your health and safety when performing work at a DHA work location.

Safety advice

Before starting work at a DHA property or worksite, conduct a risk assessment of the work area to identify potential hazards associated with uneven ground or surface. Consider these questions:

  • What is the type of flooring at this property and what are the associated risks or hazards?
  • Have previous risks, hazards or concerns been reported at this property or location?
  • Am I wearing appropriate footwear for the work activity?
  • If I identify a risk or hazard at this property, do I understand how to document this for future risk assessments?

Safety action

  • Conduct a risk assessment before starting work at a DHA work location.
  • Where a risk or hazard has been identified at a property or work location (particularly uneven ground), this should be documented in DHA’s housing management system (HSM).
  • Take extra care when walking on pebbled or paved surfaces, tread cautiously, do not walk quickly.
  • Look for depressions or raised areas over a pebbled or paved surface.
  • Assess the walk way while stationary then move forward after identifying any changes in the pebbled or paved surface and taking evasive steps.
  • Do not walk backwards (particularly when taking photos) as this increased the chances of slip, trip or fall.
  • Report all incidents or near miss events to DHA’s WHS Team by telephone on 02 - 6270 6060 option 3 or via email to

Suggested resources


There has been an increase in the number of work health and safety (WHS) incidents involving an injury to employees and contractors from dog bites.

In financial year 2020–21, seven dog bite incidents were reported to DHA's Work, Health and Safety team. Over the past four months of financial year 2021–22, there has been a further four dog bite incidents reported.

Dog bite incidents and animal encounters are generally preventable. Please take notice of this Safety Alert and take all reasonable steps to protect your health and safety when performing work at a DHA work location (residential property or construction site).

Safety advice

  • You should always consider a dog (and other animals) as a potential hazard which poses a risk to your health and wellbeing.
  • Upon arrival at a DHA work location, check to see if a dog(s) or any other animal is present.
  • You must not touch, encourage or approach any animal.
  • Animals must be secured away from your work area at all times.

Safety action

  • Conduct a risk assessment before starting work at a DHA work location.
  • Ask the tenant/owner or site manager if a dog(s) or any other animal is present at the work location. If yes, request they secure the animal away from your work area.
  • Assess the requirement to continue working if an animal cannot be secured safety:
    • an option is to return at another time when the animal can be restrained or removed from the location
    • refer the matter to DHA's Contractor Management Team on
  • In the event of an animal encounter where you are either chased, attacked or bitten:
    • go to a safe location and assess the need for first aid or medical treatment
    • refer the matter to DHA's Contractor Management Team on
  • Report all workplace incidents to:
    • the Contractor Management Team via
    • the WHS Team via
    • consider reporting animal encounters to your local Government.



There has been an increase in the number of work health and safety incidents reported to DHA involving the collapse of light structures, such as pergolas, awnings, verandas and gables. These structures are not commonly part of the original structure of the property (i.e. there have been added on). They may have been installed using nail, screw or bolt fixings that attach into brickwork or through a fascia board into a roof rafter.

Two issues are highlighted here:

  1. The light structure is not designed with access and load bearing in mind. This includes roof sheets used (e.g. thin metal or polycarbonate type sheeting), spacing of beams and batons, etc.
  2. The fixings used deteriorate with time and exposure to weather, and may loosen with structure movement or disturbance.

Safety advice

  • Do not use light structures for access or as a work platform wherever possible. In most cases, they are not designed for load bearing. The integral fixings of the structure may also be hidden from view and may have deteriorated.
  • Where work requires the structure to be used for access, assess its integrity prior to use. You may need to install temporary propping and load spreading techniques to support the structure during works.

Safety action

  • Conduct a risk assessment before starting work at a DHA work location.
  • Don’t rely on light structures for safe access or use as work platforms.
  • Where access is required, assess the structure for integrity. Install temporary propping and spread the load as required. Always access the above ground level using an appropriate ladder or access platform.
  • Immediately notify DHA of any incident or near miss event.
    • Both DHA and you are required to notify the regulator of any structure collapses, regardless of injury or not.
  • Report any hazards to DHA, such as where structure elements have weakened and may need repair, as soon as is reasonably practicable.



There has been a significant increase in the number of electrical-related work health and safety (WHS) incidents reported to DHA in FY2021-22 to date.

Electricity is a hazard that exists in all DHA work locations (i.e. residential properties, construction sites and offices). If you work on or near electricity you are at risk of burns, shocks and/or other serious injuries. If you fail to work safe and control electrical risks at DHA work locations, you may put DHA workers and property occupants at risk.

Electrical incidents are generally preventable. Please take notice of this Safety Alert and take all reasonable steps to protect your health and safety when performing work at a DHA work location.

Safety advice

Before starting work, conduct a risk assessment of the work area to identify likely hazards associated with electricity.

Consider these questions:

  • Is the work area wet? E.g. Are my hands or foot wear wet while holding corded electrical equipment?
  • Are electrical leads and power tool cords in good condition and maintained effectively?
  • Is there a source of electricity, such as a power point or General Purpose Outlet (GPO), in the work area? Invasive maintenance to a wall, or use of water, near a source of electricity poses a risk of electrocution. 
  • Consider controls that must be put in place to complete the work safely:
  • Consult the person controlling the work location to confirm the most appropriate time to complete works safely and notify any affected persons as appropriate.
  • Ensure corded power tools or electrical leads display a current test and tag label.
  • Ensure electrical circuits being worked on are isolated and locked out to prevent unauthorised or accidental restoration of the electrical circuit.
  • Ensure Residential Current Devices (RCDs) are tested prior to use with corded power tools and also display current test and tag labels.
  • Do not apply water to potential sources of electricity (power points or GPOs) or isolate and lock out the electrical circuit if necessary.

Safety action

  • Conduct a risk assessment before starting work at a DHA work location.
  • Implement electrical safety controls applicable to your work role or function at all times.
  • If work cannot be completed safely at a point in time, do not perform work. Ensure the work location is made safe before departing.
  • Report any electrical faults or unsafe issues to your DHA contact immediately for emergency investigation, action or repair.
  • Report all incidents or near miss events to DHA immediately through your DHA contact or DHA’s WHS Team via

Suggested resources