DHA recognise our business operations are not immune to elements of
modern slavery in our supply chain and we are committed to understanding where
risks in our supply chain are; addressing these risks using an ongoing
collaborative approach that embeds an awareness of modern slavery throughout
our business, with stakeholders and within our procurement processes.
Modern slavery is a term used to describe serious exploitation of workers throughout industry supply
chains. Coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit individuals and
deprive them of their freedom including:
- trafficking in persons
- slavery
- servitude
- forced marriage
- forced labour
- debt bondage
- the worst forms of child labour
- deceptive recruiting for labour or services.
DHA supply chain risks
DHA has identified industries included in its supply chain that represent a higher risk of modern slavery practices. These industries also align with those identified by the Commonwealth as presenting a high risk, for example, cleaning services, corporate uniforms (garments/textiles), construction and ICT Hardware.
DHA modern slavery grievance notification
To assist in combating these heinous crimes, we have put in place the following mechanisms for staff, stakeholders and workers to notify us of any reasonable suspicion that modern slavery has taken place, is taking place, an intent exists to carry any out in the future or has been concealed. DHA takes any notification seriously.