DHA modern slavery grievance notification


DHA recognise our business operations are not immune to elements of modern slavery in our supply chain and we are committed to understanding where risks in our supply chain are; addressing these risks using an ongoing collaborative approach that embeds an awareness of modern slavery throughout our business, with stakeholders and within our procurement processes.

Modern slavery is a term used to describe serious exploitation of workers throughout industry supply chains. Coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit individuals and deprive them of their freedom including:

  • trafficking in persons
  • slavery
  • servitude
  • forced marriage
  • forced labour
  • debt bondage
  • the worst forms of child labour
  • deceptive recruiting for labour or services.

DHA supply chain risks

DHA has identified industries included in its supply chain that represent a higher risk of modern slavery practices. These industries also align with those identified by the Commonwealth as presenting a high risk, for example, cleaning services, corporate uniforms (garments/textiles), construction and ICT Hardware.

DHA modern slavery grievance notification

To assist in combating these heinous crimes, we have put in place the following mechanisms for staff, stakeholders and workers to notify us of any reasonable suspicion that modern slavery has taken place, is taking place, an intent exists to carry any out in the future or has been concealed. DHA takes any notification seriously.

DHA Modern Slavery team contact details


      139 342 - Option #3 Main Menu, Option #4 Procurement and Modern Slavery enquires or 
          +61 2 6268 3700 (International)


   PO Box 4923, Kingston ACT 2604

An interpreter/translator can be obtained through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) www.tisnational.gov.au.

At no point should anyone contact the supplier to investigate, verify or make any public comment about the allegations without consulting the DHA Modern Slavery team. This may endanger victims, disrupt evidence or impede law enforcement enquiries.

Anonymous Reporting

Confidential Reporters who do not wish to disclose their identity when making an accusation can do it anonymously. DHA encourages Confidential Reporters to provide their name to the DHA Reporting Officer as this greatly enhances DHA’s ability to protect, advise and provide feedback, improving the ability to investigate their concerns.

What to report

Confidential Reporters should clearly articulate their concern and how it arose in as much detail as possible.

Confidential Reporters should:

  • provide specific information where possible, including dates, times, quantities, people’s names, locations, project and organisation names; what human rights have been violated or at risk of being violated;
  • explain how they know the information being reported, did they see the events themselves, or did that information come from someone else? Who?
  • provide details of anything or anyone that might corroborate their concerns, such as documents, CCTV, e-mails or witnesses.