How to access information about DHA

What can I access?

You can access corporate information about us that we have already published.

Logos, photos and images by contacting

How can I access this information?

Check our website for corporate information we have already published under the Information Publication Scheme.

We publish a broad range of information on our website including:

  • details of our functions and responsibilities
  • annual reports
  • routinely requested information and FOI disclosure log
  • operational information.

We also publish a range of range of documents in response to past FOI requests on our FOI Disclosure Log.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives you the right to request information we hold.
The FOI Act gives you the right to:

  • access documents (except exempt documents) held by DHA.
  • ask for personal information as held by DHA to be amended if the information is incomplete, out of date, incorrect or misleading.
  • seek a review if you disagree with a decision made by DHA about the FOI request.

What a FOI request cannot provide you with:

  • A resolution to your dispute – submitting an FOI will not result in an investigation, escalation or any action relating to a dispute or complaint.
  • Access to documents held by other agencies or organisations such as the Department of Defence, Toll, or a Strata group.
  • Answers to queries that cannot be found in an existing document.

How do I make a Freedom of information request?

All FOI requests must be in writing and can be addressed to 

Defence members should consider using a non-defence email to submit a request.

In your request, we encourage you to:

  • be clear about what document/s you are requesting and why you are requesting them.
  • be as specific as possible. Including details, such as dates, locations and/or names.
  • provide your email or phone number to allow us to contact you.

Consider if the following may help narrow your request so that you receive the information that you need:

  • Is there a specific timeframe?
  • Are there specific people or locations relevant?
  • Are there specific types of documents you need such as emails?
  • Is it concerning a specific matter, for which there may be keywords, that help facilitate location of the document?