Your Dashboard
Your Dashboard will be displayed after successful login.
Your Dashboard will default to display a list of new work. Separate tabs are available to view scheduled work and work awaiting completion.
From the Dashboard, you can also navigate to:
- View Invoices and invoice details
- Update your contact details, licence information and insurance information at My Details
Allocation of listings
When DHA allocates a property to your agency to sell, it will appear on the New Work tab on your Dashboard. The number next to New Work denotes how many new work items that have been assigned to you.
Click on the work item for the request you wish to view, you will be taken to an overview screen of the work item; this will include property access information. All listed properties will have a due date of four months’ time.
To find further instructions on appointment requirements, please select the hyperlink which will contain the letter of appointment saved under Attachments.

Work Bundles and Quotes Required
While these tabs will display in your Dashboard, this will not be applicable for disposals, therefore no work items will display under these headings.
Listing the property
Until the property settles, nothing further will be required from you in Online Services.
The appointed work will display under the Awaiting Completion tab for the duration of the Listing through to when the property settles.

Once the property settles - Invoicing
Once you receive notification that the property has settled, you will need to submit your invoice via Online Services.
Choose the Invoicing tab, click on the relevant MITM link and select Invoice Now.
Work Items Awaiting Booking
You will then be required to enter in the completion date and completion time. Please enter the completion date as the date of settlement, and the time as 12:00am.

You will then be required to input the commission and marketing fees into the Materials Cost section.
Eg. Material cost is the total commission and marketing fees based on the final sale price of the property. (E.g. If the sale price if $500,000 and you commission rate is 2% with $1000 in marketing you would enter in $11,000). Please note: time spent does not need to be entered.

Once the invoice amount has been entered in, click on Proceed to Invoice Confirmation.
Confirm Invoice
You will then be taken to the Confirm Invoice screen. Here you are required to attach your company invoice (ensuring it matches with the commission and marketing rate entered on the previous screen) and invoice number.

Once finalised click Submit Invoice.
The status of this invoice will then progress to awaiting approval and will now appear under Invoices Awaiting Approval by DHA, within the Invoicing tab.
Once approved by DHA this invoice will progress through to the Invoices Approved and Awaiting Payment status.
Property Withdrawals
If DHA decides to withdraw a property from sale with your agency, you are able to invoice for the marketing amount that has been spent to date. The marketing will need to be clearly itemised in an invoice and will follow the same process as a property that has settled.
Choose the Invoicing tab, click on the relevant MITM link and select Invoice Now.

You will then be required to enter in the completion date and
completion time. Please enter the completion date as the date of withdrawal
notification, and the time as 12:00am.

You will then be required to input the marketing fees into the Materials Cost section.
Eg. Material cost is the total spent to date on advertising expenses. (E.g. $500.00). Please note: time spent does not need to be entered.

Once the invoice amount has been entered in, click on Proceed to Invoice Confirmation.
Confirm Invoice
You will then be taken to the Confirm Invoice screen. Here you are required to attach your company invoice with detailed description of marketing costs to date (ensuring it matches with the marketing rate entered on the previous screen) and invoice number.

Once finalised click Submit Invoice.
The status of this invoice will then progress to awaiting approval and will now appear under Invoices Awaiting Approval by DHA, within the Invoicing tab.
Once approved by DHA this invoice will progress through to the Invoices Approved and Awaiting Payment status.