Media enquiries

Use of photos and images

Photos of Defence members, Defence families and Defence housing, taken either by DHA or photographers commissioned by DHA, remain the property of DHA. As permission to use photographs of members and their families only extends to DHA, we are unable to make these images available to the public, our stakeholders, the media or other organisations.

Use of DHA logo

The Defence Housing Australia (DHA) name and corporate logo is protected by copyright. Use of the logo by any company or persons (including contractors and suppliers) is only permissible if we provide prior authorisation.

If you would like a copy of our logo, download and complete the Use_of_DHA_logo_request (PDF 303 kB). Return your completed form by email. If authorisation is granted, you will be given a copy of DHA's Brand Manual. This manual will help you use our logo in the correct way.

Media team

Journalists and media personnel - please direct all media enquiries to DHA's Media team.